
State Historic Tax Credits

More than 30 states have established state historic tax credits to provide additional financial incentives for the rehabilitation of historic properties. Most of the state programs are based on the federal historic rehabilitation tax credit program, although application processes, award amounts, and award procedures vary by state.

Proposed Legislation

The Historic Tax Credit has not been meaningfully improved since tax reform in 1986. The HTCC is pursuing significant legislative changes to the program via the Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act (HTC-GO) which was introduced in both the House and Senate in recent years. More details on the legislation can be found at the links below.

HTC Report

In September of 2023, the HTCC issued a report called Historic Preservation and the Federal Historic Tax Credit -- Addressing Challenges of the 21st Century. This report looks back at the last 40 years of the HTC and makes recommendations to modernize the credit for the next generation.

NPS and IRS Guidance

The Historic Tax Credit is jointly administered by the National Park Service (NPS) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). While the NPS has purview over adherence to the Secretary's Standards, the IRS regulates tax structure and other tax-related matters.