Take Action

The Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act (HTC-GO)

In an effort to raise awareness of the importance of the federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC), we encourage you to share stories with members of Congress about how the HTC is at work in your state and how provisions of the Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act (HTC-GO) will benefit historic rehabilitation in your community. A short email to your representative and/or senator is an invaluable way to ensure the program’s continued existence. To contact your congressperson, please refer to this directory of representatives on the House of Representatives website and this list of senators on the Senate website. Click the name of your member of Congress to their website, find the “write your member” section, select “tax” as the issues area and encourage your federal legislators to cosponsor HTC-GO.

  • Write Your Representative and Senators

    In an effort to raise awareness of the importance of the federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC), we encourage you to share stories with members of Congress about how the HTC is at work in your state. A short email to your representative and/or senator is an invaluable way to ensure the program’s continued existence. To contact your congressperson, please refer to this directory of representatives on the House of Representatives website and this list of senators on the Senate website. Click the name of your congressperson to view his or her website where contact information should be available.

    Please copy us on your email: coalition@historiccredit.com.

  • Ask Your Representative and Senators to Visit an HTC Project

    Another valuable way to educate members of Congress about the value of the HTC is to invite them to see projects that were beneficiaries of the credit.

    In-District/State Meetings and Site Visits

    Congressional recesses are an ideal time to meet with members of Congress back at home. As they say, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Site visits are a great way to show the HTC in action, with all of its economic, community, and historic preservation benefits. If a site visit can’t be arranged, just ask for a meeting in the district office. The HTCC can provide assistance and materials for an In-District/State site visit or meeting with your members of Congress.

    If you are interested in inviting your representative to visit an HTC project and promote the HTC-GO legislation, please contact us.

  • Visit Your Congressional Delegation in Washington, D.C.

    The Historic Tax Credit Coalition works to schedule meetings on Capitol Hill for advocates to express the importance of improving the HTC in their message to members of Congress and professional staff.

    If you are interested in visiting Washington, D.C. to advocate for the HTC, please contact us.

    Washington D.C. Lobby Day

    The Historic Tax Credit Coalition invites historic property developers and historic preservation advocates to Washington, D.C. every year to take part in Capitol Hill meetings. The HTC Campaign has helped schedule hundreds of Congressional meetings for supporters of the HTC, and we will continue to create opportunities for constituents to educate Congressional tax staff of the value of the HTC and advocate for the HTC-GO improvement legislation.

    Please contact us if you would like to set up meetings for your state.

  • Write an Op-ed Article or Letter to the Editor

    Contact your local newspaper and draft an op-ed article or letter to the editor. Use information from this study summary to describe the economic impact of the federal Historic Tax Credit. Describe recent challenges related to historic rehabilitation projects. Explain how the HTC-GO legislation would benefit your efforts to revitalize your community. If you would like assistance (or examples to use) in drafting a letter, please contact us.